November 09, 2004

Some of my CoH binds

I play with the 2 trays (normal and "alt") both showing. Then I can see the powers recharge, etc.

So as to save wear and tear on my left wrist, I switched to using the numpad (and my right hand) for powers. I typically run around with the mouse, and then use the numpad in combat.

I also use the cursor keys (with my thumb) for targeting, and the ins/del/home/end/pgup keys for inspirations. Here's my binds:

LALT+down "target_friend_next"
LALT+left "target_friend_prev"
down "target_enemy_next"
left "target_enemy_prev"
right "target_enemy_near"
numpad1 "powexec_altslot 1"
numpad2 "powexec_altslot 2"
numpad3 "powexec_altslot 3"
numpad4 "powexec_altslot 4"
numpad5 "powexec_altslot 5"
numpad6 "powexec_altslot 6"
numpad7 "powexec_altslot 7"
numpad8 "powexec_altslot 8"
numpad9 "powexec_altslot 9"
numpad0 "powexec_slot 1"
decimal "powexec_slot 2"
NUMPADENTER "powexec_slot 3"
add "powexec_slot 4"
numlock "powexec_slot 5"
divide "powexec_slot 6"
multiply "powexec_slot 7"
subtract "powexec_slot 8"
insert "inspexec_name Uncanny Insight$$inspexec_name Keen Insight$$inspexec_name Insight"
delete "inspexec_name Righteous Rage$$inspexec_name Focused Rage$$inspexec_name Enrage"
home "inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name Respite"
pageup "inspexec_name Phenomenal Luck$$inspexec_name Good Luck$$inspexec_name Luck"
end "inspexec_name Second Wind$$inspexec_name Take a Breather$$inspexec_name Catch a Breath"
For the powers, it makes them be like this:
Num1 Num2 Num3 Num4 Num5 Num6 Num7 Num8 Num9 -nothing-
Num0 Period NumEnter NumPlus Numlock NumSlash NumStar NumMinus -nothing- -nothing-

I then put my main attacks so that I use Num1, Num2, Num0, Period,NumEnter, and NumPlus. The keys on the edge (enter, plus, minus) are pretty easy to hit, and the 1,2,0,. are all under your fingers if you have your hand one row down from centered on the keypad.

Since I'm switching between the mouse and the keypad, I needed the main powers to be on the outside of the keypad, where they can be found quickly. Posted by jshare at November 9, 2004 08:00 PM
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